{{ Util_getDivForSliderEffect('searchoptions', 'Options'|trans) }} {# Displays columns select list for selecting distinct columns in the search #}
{% trans 'Select columns (at least one):' %}
{# Displays input box for custom 'Where' clause to be used in the search #}
{% trans 'Or' %} {% trans 'Add search conditions (body of the "where" clause):' %} {{ Util_showMySQLDocu('Functions') }}
{# Displays option of changing default number of rows displayed per page #}
{% trans 'Number of rows per page' %}
{# Displays option for ordering search results by a column value (Asc or Desc) #}
{% trans 'Display order:' %} {{ Util_getRadioFields( 'order', { 'ASC': 'Ascending'|trans, 'DESC': 'Descending'|trans }, 'ASC', false, true, 'formelement' ) }}